Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, shares that the biggest challenge they face to getting more students to pursue higher education is that some parents don’t understand the value and the opportunity.
Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, shares his thoughts on what more needs to be done to support students who want to attend community colleges to get their postsecondary credentials.
In this video Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, explains how the relationship between Wilkes Community College and Wilkes County K-12 Schools is a model for the rest of the system in addressing the challenge of getting more students to pursue postsecondary credentials.
In this video Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, gives his perspective on why more people don’t pursue teaching careers. Pay is not the only factor.
In this video Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, brainstorms innovative ways to get more people to go into teaching in order to combat teacher shortages.
Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, shares his personal journey through uncertain times to community college and eventually to Appalachian State. His journey is an inspiration for other students in rural NC.
Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, shares how he inspired a senior who was dropping out of school with two or three weeks left in the school year. The student believed he couldn’t get into a four-year college and felt he “wouldn’t amount to anything” going to community college.