CHARLOTTE – Feb. 13, 2015 – UNC Charlotte has received a $2.1 million grant from UNC General Administration to support research in data science and business analytics (Big Data). The funds, to be distributed across three years, are part of a continuing $3 million appropriation from the General Assembly in 2014 to support areas of “game-changing… READ MORE
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (February 12, 2015) – Students who learn differently will have access to an array of academic supports through a new program at Fayetteville State University (FSU) called Bronco STAR (Supporting Transition, Access and Retention). The program was made possible through a three-year, $1 million grant from the N.C. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation. Through the Bronco STAR… READ MORE
North Carolina faces a looming crisis – a shortage of teachers. But putting and keeping great teachers in the classroom isn’t rocket science. Pay them. Gov. Pat McCrory likes to point out that North Carolina is now the 9th most-populous state in the nation. The governor also talks about responding to the marketplace. Markets are about… READ MORE
WINSTON-SALEM – I’ve known Dean Smith since his early days at Carolina in the 1960s. Dean was really all about his players – their wellbeing and their future. So I got to know him best through discussing career opportunities for his players. At Sara Lee Corp., we hired a number of them: Rich Yonnaker, Charlie Scott, John Virgil,… READ MORE
RALEIGH, NC — On the second day of the 2015 Emerging Issues Forum hosted by N.C. State University, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond delivered a resounding call for stronger investment in education. Jeffrey Lacker, a respected economist and member of the Federal Open Market Committee, cited income and wage data that shows… READ MORE
Raleigh, NC — The 2015 Emerging Issues Forum is highlighting ways to build North Carolina’s innovation economy, including a strong focus on the state’s public colleges and universities. On Monday, UNC Wilmington researcher Jennifer McCall took the stage to talk about SeaTox Research Inc, a spinoff company that uses university-sponsored technology to quickly test the… READ MORE
North Carolina public universities brought in nearly $1.3 billion in outside research funding last year, and state policymakers want to see more of that research turned into job-creating companies.[1] “We’ve got the University network, and we’ve got the talent,” Governor Pat McCory said last month. “We’ve got to convert more of our research dollars into… READ MORE
WINSTON-SALEM – A young man’s vision and collaboration with the Department of Physical Therapy at Winston-Salem State University and the Gateway YWCA have come together to form MSfit, a free fitness and wellness program offered to people with multiple sclerosis. MSfit is the brainchild of WSSU alumnus and former employee Brian Murrill, whose mother Patsy… READ MORE
CARY – Leaders of the state’s public universities, community colleges and public schools gathered here Jan. 27 to confront a sharp decline in the supply of teachers in North Carolina. “I’m not going to make this easy. We have a crisis in North Carolina,” declared John Fennebresque, the chairman of the University of North Carolina… READ MORE
Weakened by years without raises for instructors, North Carolina’s public universities are losing the war for faculty talent. In the past two years, 3 out of 4 faculty members who received outside offers decided to leave our state’s public universities. In all, 320 of the University system’s best instructors were lured away. And they took… READ MORE